Monday, September 12, 2016

Lunch at School

You would be amazed at how quickly your kindergartner is adapting to eating her or her lunch at school.  We go to lunch daily at 11:35 A.M., right after recess.  Some students choose to bring their lunches from home.  Others choose to have school lunch.  Either way, these kids are doing great!


We start the school lunch process by picking up a tray, a spark, a napkin and our milk.  Then we put our tray on the silver shelf and go through the line.  We need to make sure there are three things on our trays!

When we are finished with the line, we need to put our lunch number in at the point of service (POS).  That is a small keyboard, like the one we have a picture of to practice at home.  In this photo, you can see one of our friends looking at her lunch number on her lunch badge.  This helps us to remember our number and to get it in the system quickly.


Then comes our favorite part…we get to eat!  I am so impressed at how well they are doing in the lunch room and at what good eaters they are so far!

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