Thursday, October 11, 2012

Eagan Firefighters and Trees

What an exciting day in Kindergarten Plus today!

Our day started with a fire drill.  We all get a little nervous when we hear the very loud alarm, but the firefighters told us we did a great job.  Then we had a chance to visit a real fire truck!  Engine Four was here today and there were two really nice firefighters who showed us all of the equipment on the truck. It was cool!

One of the firefighters even dressed up in his firefighter gear.  He wanted us to see what firefighters look like so we would not be scared if we ever see a firefighter in an emergency.  He sounded a little like Darth Vader!

The best part of seeing the truck was that we got to actually sit inside it.  The steps on the truck were really big, so the nice firefighters helped us to get in and out of the truck.  It was really cool to sit inside the truck.

When we went back inside, we went to Mrs. Dahl's room and visited with some more nice firefighters. They talked to us about calling 911, what to do if there is ever a fire at your house, only cooking with an adult, and they even gave us homework!  They told us to be sure and talk with our parents about what to do at home in case of a fire.

When we went back to our room, we put on our fire hats that we made yesterday for a picture.  We look pretty cool!

We are coming to the end of our Science unit on trees.  Mrs. Lorenz had a really cool activity for us to do today.  We made tree "books" out of paper bags.  We used the materials we collected yesterday when we went outside.  We glued words on the pages, illustrated the pictures and even put real pieces of bark, branches and leaves inside.  Then we practiced reading the books!  We put the books in our Friday Folders so we hope you had a chance to see it.

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