Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gingerbread Boy

We are having a great week so far.  Every day the routines seem to get a little easier to follow.  We are working really hard, and although we still have lots to learn about being Northview All Stars, Mrs. Kurt says we are doing a really good job!

We are reading books this week about the gingerbread man.  We are learning that there are many different versions to the same story.  So far, we have read two different versions of "The Gingerbread Boy"


All this reading about the gingerbread boy made us hungry for some gingerbread.  So, we decided to make some for our snack on Wednesday!  First we came up with a list of groceries that Mrs. Kurt needed to shop for...

then we found the recipe...

 last, we gathered all of the supplies together that we would need to cook!

We had such a good time working together to make our special snack.  Mrs. Kurt said she was glad we could help her since she is not a very good cook!

We added the powdered ingredients.

 We added the eggs.

The last thing we added was the water.  Then came the fun part that everyone got to help with...the mixing!

Round and round...1,2,3.  A gingerbread boy I soon will be!


We shaped the dough in to a gingerbread boy and then took it to the kitchen and asked the nice kitchen ladies to bake it.  They said it would take a long time to bake, so we will pick it up tomorrow, decorate it and eat it for our snack.  YUM!  We can't wait!!!

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