Friday, October 3, 2014

Cycle Day 2 - Physical Education

One of the highlights of each week in Kindergarten is Cycle Day 2.  That's because we have P.E. and we get to go to the gym to work with Mr. Nelson!

Mr. Chad Nelson is our new P.E. teacher at Northview.  He is at Northview in the afternoons and works with the Kindergarten, First and Second grade classes.  Mr. Nelson's enthusiasm is contagious and he loves being at Northview and working with our students.  The kindergartners think it is especially cool if they are lucky enough to see Mr. Nelson at the end of the day, outside assisting with our school dismissal procedures.


This week in P.E., Mr. Nelson was explaining our fitness testing, specifically the sit and reach.  He modeled for us how to do it correctly.

At the end of each class, we talk about words that can be added to the word wall.  This week our class added teamwork because we are all learning how to be part of a team and work together, in P.E. and in the classroom.

Thank you for making Cycle Day 2 great for our class, Mr. Nelson!

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