Thursday, February 20, 2014

Creating Story Problems

In Math, we are learning to work together in groups to create story problems.  Mrs. Kurt divided us into five groups and each group was assigned a sea creature to create a story problem about.  We really needed to work together as a group for this job and that was a little bit hard for some of us.  We are learning how to work in groups and to be respectful of other student's ideas and feelings when we do this.  In fact, by doing this assignment, we saw how when we work together in groups, we use many of the same problem solving steps we learned in Social Studies…we had to talk and listen, think of ways to solve the problem, agree on a plan and try it.



When we agreed on a plan (or problem), then each group got to act it out.  For example, our story problem may have been something like this:  There were two whales playing in the ocean.  Three more whales came to play with them.  How many whales are there now?  Here are our groups...

Baby Whales:  Sophia, Kai, Liam, and Elizabeth.

Adult Whales:  Maddox, Ryan, Landis, Chloe and Nadia.

Seal Pups:  Alan, Kai, Mahi and Kailee.

Adult Seals:   Charlie, Liam, Kate, Abbi and Jacob.

Hungry Sharks:  Ryan, Tyler, Kaylie and Sophie.

I was really proud of my kids, especially since they had never tried anything like this before.  They did an excellent job of working together.  Next week we will create and illustrate even more story problems.  Stay tuned!


We had another special guest reader today.  Mr. Bob Frank, Liam's dad, came and read us the story I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen.  We really enjoyed this story!

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