Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

Hello!  It was so fun to come back to school and see all of our friends.  We all had lots to share about our spring breaks and our Easter holiday.  Watching all the smiling faces and hearing our little voices chatting made the room feel happy.  Our Morning Meeting took an extra long time today because everyone had news to share.

It was also exciting because it was a new month and that means new table spots.  One thing we were not all that happy about was that we still need our winter gear for recess.  Although lots of snow has melted, there is still plenty of snow on the playground.  The snow pants really help to keep us dry.  Hopefully we won't need them much longer......


We went to StarLab 2 this morning for our weekly visit to Education City.  We always work on Math in Education City on Mondays.

This afternoon we started a new Science unit on Fabric.  We talked about what fabric is and what things are made from fabric.  Using the senses of sight and touch, we observed and explored ten different samples of fabric.



After we explored the samples, we brainstormed a list of words that described how the fabric samples felt.  We came up with some great words!

It's going to be a busy week in Kindergarten Plus!

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