Friday, September 5, 2014

The Gingerbread Boy

What an exciting day in Kindergarten!  We could not wait to go to the cafeteria and pick up our special gingerbread snack.

When we arrived, we asked Mrs. Hansen if we could have our snack.  Only one problem…it ran away!

Now we had a problem.  But one thing we have learned already in Kindergarten is that when we have a problem, we need to solve it.  We got to work!


We asked Mrs. Putz if she had seen it, and she told us it ran past her classroom.  That gingerbread boy was not following the All Star Code!  (you know, the one that says Be Responsible.  Be Respectful.  Be safe.)  It's not very responsible or safe to run in school.  Next we stopped by Ms. Elsen's class.  They said they saw it running past their room and it had a silver tray on it's back!

We were hungry so we had to keep looking!  Our next stop was the school office.

 We checked with Gaby and Karen in the office.  They said it wasn't there but it sure whizzed past quickly in the hall!

The school nurse, Mrs. Hannasch, did not see it at all!  It must have been running really fast.

We even checked in the school media center…no luck!  We were a little frustrated, but we decided NOT to give up!  We headed back to our room quietly so we would not scare it away.  Just before we got there, we found it in Mr. Ball's office…right across the hall from our room.  We think it might have been there because Mr. Ball had Tootsie Rolls on his desk…maybe he wanted a snack!


 Whew!  We didn't give up and we found him.  After a nice group photo...

and one with our silly faces...

as our friend Breckin said, "We were like the foxes.  We ate it!"  And we did.  It was delicious!


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