Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Making Applesauce

Today, in honor of Johnny Appleseed, we made applesauce for our afternoon snack.  We started off by checking our recipe.  Lucky for us, lots of kindergartners brought apples from home for this project!

We started by adding all the apples to the pan.  We thought we were going to need a bigger pan!



Next we added water and sugar and let the apples cook for a L-O-N-G time.  That was hard because it smelled really good.  We had to wait until after specialist time to enjoy the tasty snack.  

Just before we served it, we added cinnamon.  Then came the best part of all...we got to eat it.  Some of us really liked the applesauce and some of us did not.  We were excited that everyone did give it a try!




Thank you to everyone who sent in apples for this fun activity today.  We appreciate your help.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of apples in the pot! Will really enjoyed this activity.
