Saturday, May 23, 2015

Artist in Residency Program

This past week, we have had the opportunity to work with Mr. Casey Opstad.  Casey is a Muralist from New York City.  He is also Mrs. Trina Fifield's brother!  The Northview PTO has generously sponsored our "Artist in Residency" program and all of the students at Northview are participating in creating a mural in one of the hallways of our school!  

It is pretty amazing how much work is involved in this project.  First, the space for the mural needed to be prepared for the painting.  Then we learned about mixing paint and creating different shades of paint.

 We were each assigned a spot on the wall, so we had to write our names on it.  Yes, we got to write on the wall at school!


Next, the wall had to be taped into sections and them the most fun part so far…painting!



It took a while, but everyone got to paint their part.  This is what it looks like so far...

Isn't it beautiful?  Next week, there will be silhouettes of students added to it and a quote that the students voted on.  The quote will say Team Work Makes the Dream Work!

There are so many people to thank for this project.  Many thanks to the Northview PTO, Mrs. Town, Mrs. Hanson, Ms. Mathieson, Mrs. Fifield, Mr. Opstad, the many volunteers who assisted, classroom teachers and of course, our Northview All Stars.  We can't wait to see the completed project!

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