Well, you have probably heard our big news in Kindergarten…it is spring which means it is soon time for us to begin our Unit of Study - Animals 2x2. For this unit, we attempt to hatch baby chicks in an incubator in our classroom. Our four eggs arrived earlier this week and we have placed them in the incubator.
We had to establish some rules for the incubator. The students came up with some great ideas so we made a list to post near the incubator.
Like all good scientists, we need to record our observations. We will keep a chick journal throughout the duration of our unit.
Not much will be happening inside the incubator for a while. If all goes well, it takes 21 days for the eggs to hatch. That means our hatch day is on or around May 18. We are so excited, but also being very patient. Keep your fingers crossed for a successful hatch…or four! Stay tuned...